Although there are more nonviolent movements than ever before, in the last 10 years, their success rate has declined. The current focus is on training movements, to prepare activists for nonviolent conflict. While following a course at the military academy in the Netherlands I realized this might not be sufficient.
In the course we delved into the organization of national armies. They are led by a general, who is responsible for the organization, leadership and strategy of that army. She or he is supported by a general staff to make this happen. But is it not crucial that such a general staff continues to advice their general, especially when a conflict starts?
It is the same for nonviolent movements, only that you, the core organizers, are your movement’s general. Like a general, you are responsible for the organization, leadership and strategy of your movement. Like a general, if you want to gain success in your nonviolent struggle, you need an expert general staff to help you make the best decisions.
All successful non-violent movements mastered the Victorious Strategy, based on the local cultural-economic-social-political context. We can help you develop and implement a home-grown victorious strategy. Our focus is to gain momentum in your struggle, or reach the state of democratic transition, much faster than if you would try to do it on your own.
Are you a core organizer or activist concerned with strategy in your nonviolent movement, and want to finally gain success in your struggle? Then consider contacting us at for more information about the costs and approach.
The Liberation Programmes are specifically designed for committed nonviolent activists at home or in diaspora, that are already trying to defeat their dictatorships or unjust situations. In these programmes activists are enabled to liberate themselves through peaceful revolution through online community models. Our symbol is the butterfly, that stands for the transformative potential of all humans and nations on earth. You can join either the African or Global Liberation Programme.
African Liberation Programme (ALP)
Due to the experience and involvement in the Ugandan Revolution, combined with networks in other African revolutions, this programme unites African activists. Due to the inherited colonial system adopted by the African elites ensuring ignorance, division and dependency, there is a similar social-political situation in many African countries. The biggest challenge in African revolutions has been the military hijack of struggles, such as in Egypt, Sudan and many more.
You join a hidden group where you receive daily insights on organizing revolutions and become united with comrades from all over Africa (and diaspora). We gather once in a while within an online training with peaceful revolution strategist Erik van der Zanden to help you become a more effective activist.
You can join the African Liberation Programme with a monthly donation of €10, able to cancel subscription at any time.
Global Liberation Programme (GLP)
One of the most challenging aspects of being an activist is being alone. Due to your commitment to justice and/or freedom, you might become isolated from your family and friends. Meanwhile, you face a governmental opponent, which is the case of dictatorships, are extremely violent. In the Global Liberation Programme you join fellow global activists to unite in our struggles.
You join a hidden group where you receive daily insights on organizing revolutions and become united with comrades from all over the world. We gather once in a while within an online training with peaceful revolution strategist Erik van der Zanden to help you become a more effective activist.
You can join the Global Liberation Programme with a monthly donation of €10, able to cancel subscription at any time.
After payment we will contact you. In this message you will be informed how you can join the closed group (only visible for participants).
Besides strategic support, the most effective support nonviolent movements can gain is training. Erik is an experienced trainer with an interactive (simulation & role-play) approach to immerse the trainees into real world possibilities. You can send an email to for more information.
As a student I always loved to learn from experts in the field. How cool would it be when your students got (a series of) guest lectures from a strategist of peaceful revolutions? The bulk of my experience was built in the Ugandan Revolution which is ongoing. This could be relevant for courses on democracy, social movements & activism, nonviolent conflict and strategy in general. You can send an email to for more information.
Do you prefer to train yourself through reading? A good book can liberate your mind forever. The first book is currently finalized. Below you can find a description on what The Unfinished Revolution is about.
Africa must awake
For hundreds of years a narrative have been reinforced that Africa must be saved. This narrative is reinforced with news about war, disease and starvation. But it is incorrect. Africa does not have to be saved, it only has to awake. That is why this book about Africa is like no other book.
It is a book about how the physical as mental enslavement keeps the populations of Africa ignorant, divided and dependent. But, it is also a book about how these populations could nonviolently liberate themselves. Therefore, it is a book about hope above all else. It answers two main questions: Why did Africa become under-developed? And how can we solve it?
“I have already read many books about Africa but I have to admit that the perspective of this book stand head and shoulders above the rest.”
“Innovative, inspirational and realistic.”
The current planned publication is September 2023. Would you like to be informed with the early bird notice, then please register below: